Loans for an emergency
If you have the need for an emergency loan, you probably need it quickly. Emergencies can happen to anyone and often come at the least favourable time when you can afford it the least. If you need an emergency loan, our broker partner can help. Whether it’s a small payday loan loan until your next payday or a larger amount that you need, we have a great application process that takes just a couple of minutes. We are here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to help you find your online emergency loan. If you are approved by one of our partner’s direct lenders you could receive your emergency cash loan on the same day*. With loans available 24 hours a day, whether you apply off a smart device or your computer, we are always here.
Emergency loan questions:
Q1 – I need an emergency loan, how much can I borrow?
Q2 – Can I apply for an emergency loan if I have bad credit?
Q3 – How quickly can I get an emergency loan?
Q4 – Will I be approved for an emergency loan?
Try the No Obligation Eligibility Checker
Get your money the same day
Find out your chances of being approved for a loan, without leaving a footprint on your credit file. Totally free and no obligation to apply.
Eligibility CheckWill I be approved for an emergency loan?
If you are aged 18 or over, are a UK resident, are employed and have a valid UK bank account then you can apply for an emergency loan through CUJ Loans. Try the free no obligation Eligibility Checker to see if you are likely to be approved by one of our partner’s direct lenders before you apply. It only takes a minute to complete and has no impact on your credit score. If you are looking for an emergency loan for bad credit, this is extremely helpful. Everything is designed to help you quickly get the emergency cash that you need. For larger emergency loans, you can spread the repayments over a period up to 36 months, giving you a great deal of flexibility and makes sure that you do not have to pay the emergency cash back in one lump sum, which can impact on your finances for months after.